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4- Month Newsletter: Apr to July 2024

Faith Ministry Pakistan

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you.

We praise the Lord for the opportunity to serve over 3,000 fellow believers through our ministerial, educational, and social services from April to July 2024. We are excited to share some of the inspiring and blessed accomplishments that God has achieved through our ministry during this time:

Standing by with the 72-year-old Nazir Masih and his victimized family. Nazir Masih was lynched to death by a Muslim mob on blasphemy charges:

On Sunday 26 May 2024, along with the Minister for Human Rights of Punjab, Pakistan, and three other members of the Provincial Assembly of Punjab, our ministry team visited Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan (170 km away from us) where a 72-year-old Christian man who owned a shoe factory was lynched by a violent Muslim mob on Sat 25 May 2024. His house and factory were burned, and shoes and other valuables were looted over allegations of desecrating the Quran.

We discussed the current law and order situation with Regional Police Officer Shariq Kamal Siddique and other high-ranking police officials there. We met with the victims, prayed, comforted, and encouraged them in faith and hope, and assured them of our full legal and moral support.

We wish we could do more.

This incident greatly heightened the security concerns for our churches, pastors, and their families again. Such frequent horrors are leaving lasting terror, especially on the minds of our children.

Please keep praying for the safety and protection of your persecuted Christian brethren in Pakistan.

Please find the reports in the links below:

Poor Rural Brick Kilns Kids Education Project:

Amidst so many challenges, our education project for extremely deserving marginalized born slaves kids at brick kiln workplaces in remote areas of Pakistan continues by Lord's Grace.

70 new books sets were provided to these kids in May 2024.

Our Ministry is providing these poor kids with not only Biblical and formal education but also other basic necessities of life.

Video and pictures reports are in the links below:

Poor Street Kids Education Project:

The Lord has enabled us to provide 50 new book sets to disadvantaged kids at our third regular school, established in our small church building in Shahdara, Lahore. This school is dedicated to empowering persecuted and marginalized Pakistani children with formal and Biblical education, whose parents can't afford even the most basic schooling. The children are also provided with meals during school.

Please find the video and pictures reports below:

Electricity Generator for our Church School:

Praise the Lord for provision of electricity generator for our church & church school. It is a very blessed gift by our friends when we are experiencing continuous power outages during the hottest summer. The extreme heat, suffocation, and sweating during church services are unbearable.

We need more such generators in our three other churches please.

Please find the video report in the link below:

Evangelical Crusade on the Day of Ascension of Jesus Christ:

On Thursday May 9, 2024, on the day of Ascension of Jesus Christ, we had an Evangelical Crusade at True Light Church Shahdara.

Key Points of the sermon  and pictures report are here in the link:

Pentecost Day Evengelical Crusades:

“Power of Pentecost” was the topic of our Evangelical Crusades, regarding The Day of Pentecost 2024, in two churches in Nizampura Sheikhupura and Shahdara Lahore.

Please find key points of the sermon, along with video and picture reports, here:

Father's Day Special Prayer and Worship Meeting:

“Roles of a Perfect Father”, was the topic of the message delivered on June 16, 2024 at Shahdara Lahore church.

Detail of the sermon and pictures are in this link:

Daily Bread Project:

Thanks to the precious love donations from our generous friends, our Daily Bread Project continues at our schools. The Lord is using our ministry to provide breakfast and lunch to poor kids during school hours, where we empower them with a biblical and formal education.

We have a special request for our dear friends to consider a regular monthly love gift to help feed over one hundred extremely deserving kids at our Kids Care Centers. The cost to feed each child is $45 USD per month.

Churches or foundations can also assist us in meeting our monthly budget of $4500 USD to provide for these very needy children. Often, it's individuals like you who make a significant impact by keeping food in the bellies of these lovely, but extremely poor kids, as we feed them twice per day.

Please see our videos and pictures reports here in these links:

Personality Development Training Session:

"Believe you can, and you're halfway there."

On Saturday June 15, 2024, we conducted a Personality Development Training Session for over two hundred college and high school Christian students at Youhannabad, Lahore, Pakistan.

The students were trained, encouraged, and motivated to discover and unleash their full talent and potential to excel in their personal and professional lives.

Video and pictures reports are in the links below:

Career Counseling Seminar:

"Whatever you do, do it heartily"

On Wednesday, May 1, 2024, we conducted a career counseling seminar for one hundred Christian students who had completed their high school studies and were seeking admissions in various fields at the college level.

Pictures report is in the link below:

Treatment of an 8 Year Old Child Terribly Injured in Road Accident:

We thank and praise the Lord for using our ministry to save the precious life of 8-year-old Salim Iqbal from our congregation in Nizampura. He was in critical condition after being hit by a recklessly driven bus.

Video and pictures reports are in the links below:

Funeral Service of a 75 Year Old Woman:

On Wednesday, April 24, 2024, we conducted a funeral service for a 75-year-old noble lady who peacefully passed away after living a very blessed life in Jesus. As a born-again Christian believer, she lived an exemplary life worthy of emulation.

During the service, the Lord used me to pray and encourage the grieving family and attendees that through His death and Resurrection, Jesus has given us eternal hope—a hope that extends beyond the grave.

We believe that she has been welcomed into glory and is now in a better place, secure in Jesus’ safest hands. One day, together, we will rejoice with her in Heaven.

Please find video and pictures reports here:

Funeral Services of a 28 Year Old Church Member:

On Sunday, April 7, 2024, the Lord used us to conduct a funeral service and inter the body of a 28-year-old member of our church from Gujranwala named Suneel. He tragically passed away due to necrotizing fasciitis caused by a tetanus infection in December 2023.

During the last months of his life, we spiritually counseled Suneel, and he earnestly accepted Jesus as his personal Savior, repenting sincerely from his sins. He prayed regularly until he was no longer able. We believe he is now in a better place, held securely in Jesus' hands.

With support from friends, our ministry assisted with Suneel's medical expenses and funeral costs.

Around three hundred attendees were urged to repent and become born-again Christians to inherit the Kingdom of God (John 3:3,5), as the return of the King is imminent.

Praise was given for the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit at the funeral, with lives transformed and many committing their lives to Jesus Christ. The brethren were strengthened in their faith, knowing that after this life, believers will rejoice together in Heaven, fulfilling the promises of God (John 14:1-4, II Corinthians 1:20).

Find the pictures report below please:

Rehabilitation of a Young Drug Addicted Church Member:

In the month of April, our ministry began treatment of a 34-year old drug addicted church member, providing proper medical care through a consulting psychiatrist, complete medication, nourishment, and spiritual counseling.

Praise the Lord that he has left drugs and started a new life with Jesus. His wife and two young sons (ages 5 and 7) are still separated from him.

Financial support for a couple more months of medication and food, as well as assistance for a long-term sustainable living source, can help reunite this family.

Video and picture reports are in the links below:

Food Relief Support for Widows and Extremely Deserving Marginalized Families:

Through our ministry, the Lord provided one month of food for ten more families, including extremely deserving widows and marginalized brothers and sisters living in abject poverty. Your generous donation of $80 can help sustain a poor family without food for a month.

Find the video and pictures reports below please:

Prayer and Worship Meetings:

Praise the Lord for using our ministry powerfully for regular Sunday Prayers and Worship Meetings in different churches in Sheikhupura and Lahore.

Find the videos and pictures reports of these blessed meetings, here:

Prayer Request:

Dear Friends,

Please stay with us in your special prayers for:


Your prayers and financial support are invited to free and rescue one more enslaved family at a brick kiln. They are under debt of around 570 USD and have been in intergenerational servitude for decades.


Please join us in prayer and support for providing 50 new school uniforms for marginalized brick kilns kids at our schools.

By donating just USD 8, you not only provide a school uniform for a deserving kid but also help the bonded laborer women achieve a life free from servitude. The women prepare the uniforms at our Tabitha Centre, vocational training center for poor illiterate bond laborer women at brick kilns.

Preparation of the uniforms at our Tabitha Centre ensures the funds stay within the poor community, ensuring that they directly benefit those in need.

Thank you for your generosity and compassion.

    We praise and bless our Lord for blessing our daughter Iman Shahid with excellent 91.83% marks in her High School Exam.

Please keep praying for her Intermediate F.Sc. Pre Medical Group studies at college level.

We pray and believe that the Lord will accomplish what He has begun in her.

    Our ongoing Daily Bread Project at our Kids Care Centres. At a cost of $45 per child we are able to provide them with 2 meals daily. 

    For the needs of unstitched clothes and sewing supplies and equipment for our Tabitha Centre. We ask that if this area of our ministry touches your heart that you support it as God leads you. 

    Last but not the least, some proper buildings for our Kids Care Centres and Tabitha Centre for poor women. We need $40,250 USD to build each of our proper school cum feeding center buildings and we need to build 2 of them. 

We are deeply grateful to you for standing with us in faith, hope, love, and expectation. Your consistent prayers and financial support mean the world to us, and we believe that you remain faithfully committed to us in whatever way God leads and enables you to contribute.

Your partnership is invaluable and makes a tangible difference in our ministry and the lives we touch. Thank you for your unwavering support and belief in our mission.

“The Lord  bless you and keep you; The Lord  make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ’

Numbers 6:24‭-‬26

Yours in Christ,

Dr. Shahid Nawaz


Faith Ministry Pakistan

Visit us online to learn more, to donate, or to contact us, at the links below:

Cell No +923331045293